This is When’s Melee, your weekendly preview of streamed Melee tournaments. If you know of any other streamed tournaments not on here (excluding weeklies), please give the relevant info on Twitter or here in the comments. Starting next week, When’s Melee will be hosted on meleestats.coIt’ll still be the same article, just on a site that produces other content. Thank you to Tafo for letting me use the MIOM platform.

Get On My Level 2018 
(5/18 – 5/20)
Region: Ont. (EDT)

Streams: EvenMatchupGaming and EMG2 (multistream)
Featuring: Hungrybox, Plup, Mew2King, aMSa, Axe, Zain, SFAT, Lucky, Crush, HugS, n0ne, Shroomed, Duck, Westballz, Swedish Delight, PewPewU, lloD, KJH, Ice, Ginger, La Luna, Ryan Ford, Rishi, Amsah, Moky, Legend, Kage, Slox, Trulliam, Sharkz, Crunch, Jamrun, Plum, Heartsrings, Tranimal, and more players from all around the world in this big ol’ Canadian battle.
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Battle Arena Melbourne 10
(5/18 – 5/20)
Region: VIC (UTC+10, EDT+14)

Stream: MelbourneMelee
Featuring: Armada, ChuDat, Spud, Sora, SA Nick, Zxv, Rainbow, Quetz, sundowns, SD, DonB, MC, Dekar, and more of Australia’s best.
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Saturday, May 19

NorCal Spartan 4 
(NorCal, PDT)

Stream: AFKggLounge
Featuring: NMW, Ralph, Umarth, DiplomaticTucan, Azel, Kevbot, L, Rymo, Wavebringer, Arcadia, and hopefully more of ranked and formerly-ranked NorCal. 
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Mission Complete XL 
(Netherlands, UTC+2)
Stream: BYO_Controller
Featuring: Nebbii (formerly)Avalancer), Kellner, Däumling, Schlimmshady, and Jeapie in doubles and crews. Top 8 on Sunday.

MMOM Bi-Monthly #12 
(Mass, EDT)
Stream: MMOM
Featuring: Probably a lot of the New England PR.
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Juicy Monthly 
(Fla, EDT)

Stream: JuicyGameNight
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Smash @ Lomas Bar 10 
(Tamps, CDT)

Stream: rasalgethigaming
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Apollo 6 
(Mo, CDT)

Stream: MoonbaseMarket

ORB 3 
(Miss, CDT)

Stream: MemphisSmash
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(N.Y, EDT)
Streams: AONStreams and GenGame
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Sunday, May 20

Smash Valley 2018 (Germany, UTC+2)
Stream: GeekyGoonSquad

Sam “’Cathy’ (because ‘Ack’ (because ‘heart attack-ack-ack-ack’ (because Movin’ Out (because the article is changing websites))))” Greene can be found on Twitter @SSBMDingus.