This is When’s Melee, your weekly source for Melee tournament stream information. If you know of any other events and their streams, please reach out on Twitter (linked below) or here in the comments with the relevant information.

Low Tier City 5
Region: Tex., CDT
Streams: TourneyLocator and TourneyLocator2
Featuring: Wizzrobe, Lucky, HugS, Syrox, Wobbles, Tai, Alex19, Uncle mojo, Bobby Frizz, ALP, Nerin, MT, Schythed, Tirno, arby, JPeGImage, Jake13, Albert, JF, hamyojo, and more ranked players from Texas and its neighboring states.
» smash.ggBracketsAttendees | Facebook

Smash Factor 6 
Region: Pue., UTC-5
Streams: SmashFactorGamingNovaGamingSmashLugiaCorp, and VGBootCamp (multistream)
Featuring: SFAT, S2J, The Moon, n0ne, Javi, Eddy Mexico, Aza, .jpg, Rael, Herrán, Dream, Bedgar, Lengüitas, Bimbo, Maxi, MCMike, OO7, KRIS-, D1, y más.
» smash.ggBracketsAttendees | Schedule | Facebook

Tri-State Invitational 
Region: N.Y., EDT
Streams: NebulousNYC
Featuring: Swedish Delight, Slox, Captain Smuckers, iBDW, 2saint, Swiftbass, Kaeon, Darktooth, mayb, Ryobeat, lint, Qerb, Beerman, Animal, dudutsai, and the very anime Zealous5000.
» smash.ggBracketsAttendees

Friday, Aug. 4

Aurora Smash Heroes @ WIT 
(Ill., CDT)
Stream: AuroraSmash
» Challonge

Friday Night Turnip #62 
(SoCal, PDT)
Stream: MikeHazeGaming or TopShelfEsports
» | Organizer Facebook

Tuk House Weekly (Wash., PDT)
Stream: TukHouseSmash
» Challonge | Facebook

Saturday, Aug. 5

MasterHand 28
 (Japan, UTC+9)
Stream: Kounotori_ssbm or aMSaYoshi
Featuring: Nanashi, Kounotori, K.F, Mittens, s-royal, Sanne, Zoma, Nagaimo, Sobameshi, bitou, Zer0, dano, もっと.
» Challonge | Website

Mass Madness #17 
(Mass., EDT)
Stream: GameUnderground
» Challonge | Facebook

CLIQUEFEAST: A Crew Battle Tournament
(Ariz., MST)
Stream: SAKGamingTV
Featuring: Medz, John Wick, SpyderJ, Daddy, and crews.
» | Facebook

Koneistamo 16
 (Finland, UTC+3)
Stream: SmashFinland
» | Facebook

City of Melee – Arcadian 2.0 
(Vic., Australia, UTC+10)
Stream: MelbourneMelee
» Facebook

Event Match 24 
(Penn., EDT)
Stream: R2DLiu
» | Facebook

Sunday, Aug. 6

The Construct 84 
(Wis., CDT)
Stream: EventHorizon
» Challonge | Facebook

MoMoS! Melee Weekly 
(N.J., EDT)
Stream: HitboxArena
» Challonge

Smash at Epic 58 (Ore., PDT)
Stream: EpicGamingPDX
» Challonge | Facebook

To watch multiple streams at once in the most effective way, go to or

Sam “Here for the Beer” Greene can be found on Twitter @SSBMDingus.
flwns can be reached on Twitter @flwns
Logo by @FishWithIt