Season 2 – Episode 1: WINTER IS COMING.

    1. June 2013 – Winter Is Coming (aka The Month of Scar)
      1. MIOM – every 2 weeks, keep a schedule!!!!
      2. Evo Donation Training Vids – Those will happen <33333333
      3. Smash Labs forever!!!!
    2. White Walkers at Evo – The Return of Shiz and JMan
    3. SSBM on UltraChenTV – Past and Present
      1. Fly vs SFAT
      2. PeePee vs Armada
      3. Mango vs M2K
  2. Tournament Review and Preview
    1. Toryuken Recap – stream archives:
    2. Zenith Recap
      1. Playing out for 5/6/7/8th
      2. DSRM vs MSR (Mew2King’s Stupid Rule)
    3. Northwest Majors – Washington State, NEXT WEEKEND~!
    4. Impulse – Canada, THE WEEKEND AFTER!!!
    5. The BackAir Theory – 48 man invitational (!!!) August 2013
    6. The Big House 3 Here is the thread 😛
    7. Evolution 2013
      1. setups
      2. additional referees
      3. ability to register
      4. salty suite
  3. Community Trajectory
    1. SSBM and the FGC – more talk
    2. SSBM and the Realm of eSports

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