For the second straight year, MeleeItOnMe is ranking every SSBM Player and counting them down on Twitter (#SSBMRank2014 @Meleeitonme), from No. 100 to No. 1 .

We asked a panel of ~30 players/commentators/figureheads from all across the world to rate the overall level of play for each player in 2014 (From January 2014 –> The Big House 4). This includes evaluating perceived skill in tandem with the tournament results.

Don’t worry ranks 9-7 will also release today, but we will be giving each player in the top 10 their own dedicated page with highlight clips.


colbol1 Colbol2 Colbol3


Smash Studios | Colin “Colbol” Green | @Colbol725
10 Up_Arrow(28)
Main(s) Fox Region: Florida 8.863
Tourney Results
Apex 2014 MLG Anaheim CEO 2014 Evo 2014 The Big House 4
5th 13th 7th 17th 13th
Colbol has been playing competitive SSBM almost as long as anyone else, and his experience has culminated in 2014 into a decisive tournament force. A highly technical and adaptable Fox main, Colbol is known for seamlessly switching between relentless techincal aggression and evasive laser maneuvers. After a breakout APEX run into 5th place, Colbol continued to make high placings at nationals, making top 20 at every notable tournament of the year. A dominant force in central Florida, Colbol has recently double eliminated Hungrybox, although their tournament record is still in the god’s favor. Other players in his state indicate that his skill in friendlies dramatically exceeds his tournament placings, so be on the watch for impressive things as Colin adjusts to the national spotlight.
Other Notable Placings Notable Wins
2nd Fight Pitt V
2nd CEO Winterfest 2014
2nd VGC Evo Sponsorship Tournament
3rd CEO 2014 Prologue
3rd Tipped off 10
9th Do You Fox With It?
Silent Wolf
Fly Amanita


Colbol clinches  his spot into Top 8 at Apex 2014 by defeating aMSa


SSBMRank 2014: 100-91 | 90-81 | 80-71|70-61 |60-51 | 50-4140-31 | 30-26 |25-21 | 20-16 |15-11
10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1