Welcome to When’s Melee, your weekly source for Melee tournament streams and other information.If you know of any other tournaments streams that we have missed, please reach out on Twitter (linked below) or here in the comments.
For the best multi-stream experience, try multistre.am or VGStreams.com

Pat’s House 3 
Region: SoCal (PST)
Streams: SDMeleeTV and EndGameTV1 (multistream)
Featuring: SFAT, Lucky, Westballz, PewPewU, Crush, Zain, MikeHaze, HugS, Duck, lloD, dizzkidboogie, Rishi, KJH, Syrox, Bladewise, Prince F. Abu, ARMY, El Fuego, Hax, Captain Faceroll, Spark, Luigi Ka-Master, Azusa, Rocky, Darkatma, Kalamazhu, Tai, Squid, Eddy Mexico, EastCoastJeff, and a ton more talent (SoCal and otherwise).
» smash.gg: Brackets, Attendees | Stream/Commentary Schedule |  Facebook

DreamHack Winter 2017 (12/2-3)
Region: Sweden (GMT+1, EST+6)
Stream: DreamHackSmash
Featuring: Armada, Leffen, Wizzrobe, Swedish Delight, Trif, Professor Pro, Overtriforce, Amsah, Android, JohnnyFight, Daydee, Humpe, Jadde, FA0, Zoler, and more ranked Swedes.
» smash.ggBracketsAttendees | Schedule | Facebook

Friday, Dec. 1

MoaL 185 
Stream: PGHSmash
» Challonge | Organizer Facebook

Kent Combo 62: Redacted Prelude
 (Ohio, EST)
Stream: KentStateSmash
» smash.gg | Organizer Facebook

Aurora Smash Heroes @ WIT 
(Ill, CST)
Stream: AuroraSmash
» Challonge

Smash @ Arcania 12 (Tamp, CST)
Stream: SmashTampico
» smash.gg

Friday Night Turnip #78 
(SoCal, PST)
Stream: TopShelfEsports
» smash.gg (if this doesn’t work, check here) | Organizer Facebook

Saturday, Dec. 2

(Ohio, EST)
Stream: KentStateSmash
Featuring: Colbol, Abate, Cal, Drephen, Iori, Hanky Panky, TheRealThing, Boyd, Papa, Fizzle_Boy, Spy, Holiday, Eggnawg, Ðempt, Dezno, Village Mascot, Sp1nda, and most of the power-ranked players from Ohio’s many subregions.
» smash.gg | Facebook

Apollo XI (N.Y, EST)
Stream: NebulousNYC
Featuring: Ryan Ford, 2Saint, Vortex, Animal, Arty, Billz, and more good Tri-State players.
» smash.gg | Facebook

Anchor Down Smash 4
 (Tenn, CST)
Stream: VandySmash
Featuring: Iori, Googlyeyed, DairDeviL, Den, Wolven, Xtreme, Dezno, and (for the fourth time) the ghost of Cornelius Vanderbilt himself.
» smash.gg | Facebook

Meleeris 2017
 (Ver, CST)
Stream: LaGema
Featuring: Yu, Herran, Maxinho, Pinillos, ZouL, Holden, y más.
» smash.gg | Facebook

The Milledgeville Delusion
 (Ga, EST)
Stream: BobcatSmash
Featuring: Dublat, Yort, FLOTUS.
» smash.gg | Facebook

Smash at Sac State Bi-Monthly 
(NorCal, PST)
Stream: FoncTV
Featuring: DiplomaticTucan, Mooninite, and more Sacfolk.
» smash.gg | Facebook

Stop the Friendlies 3
 (Fla, CST)
Stream: PanamaCitySmash
» smash.gg | Facebook

UWaterloo Arcadian
 (Ont, EST)
Stream: UWSmashClub
» smash.gg | Facebook

House of Smash 57
 (Norway, UTC+ 1)
Stream: SmashNorge
» smash.gg

S@PS Weekly 51 (Penn, EDT)
Stream: PSUSmash
» smash.gg | Facebook

Event Match 31 
(Penn, EST)
Stream: R2DLiu
» smash.gg | Facebook

Sunday, Dec. 3

Fireside Open 2017: Smash
 (N.J, EST)
Stream: RutgersEsports2
Featuring: Ryan Ford, mayb, PudgyPanda, ctrlaltdefeat, Clutch, Samjacobs1, and probably more ranked Tri-State players.
» smash.gg | Facebook

The 3rd New England Melee Arcadian
 (Mass, EST)
Stream: BigBlueGG
» smash.gg | Facebook

Quartered 05: Top Heavy 
Stream: PhoenixSmash
» smash.gg | Facebook

Sam “Rat’s Mouse” Greene can be found on Twitter @SSBMDingus.