Hello and welcome to When’s Melee, your weekly source for Melee tournament stream information. If you have info on other events and their streams, please reach out on Twitter (linked below) or here in the comments.  Also, If you missed last weekend’s Melee action, you can click here to see the results.

Eclipse 2 10/21 – 10/23
Region: Norway (GMT+2)
Streams: GeekyGoonSquad & Fuzzyness
Featuring: Armada, Leffen, Ice, Professor Pro, Android, Trif, Overtriforce, Fuzzyness, Kage, Chillindude, Zgetto, Zoler, Frenzy, pheX, BrTarolg, Calle W, and more!
» smash.gg: BracketsAttendees | Schedule | Facebook

Come to Papa 2 10/22 – 10/23
Region: Florida (EDT)
Streams: PolarityGG (for everything up to top 8), MVG_League (top 8)
Featuring: Mew2King, Plup, Colbol, Wizzrobe, Gahtzu, Porkchops, King Momo, A Rookie, Drunksloth, Oaty, Fearless, and more!
» smash.gg: BracketsAttendees | Schedule | Facebook

Friday – 10/21

Aurora Smash Heroes @ WIT

Region: Midwest (IL, CDT)
Stream: AuroraSmash
» Challonge | Facebook

Friday Night Turnip #25

Region: SoCal (PDT)
Stream: TheSoftReset
» smash.gg | Facebook

Saturday – 10/22

Reign – Emerald City Monthly
Region: PNW (PDT)
Streams: EndGameTV
Featuring: Silent Wolf (happy birthday!), Bladewise, Iceman, Vinodh, Oreo, Pookie, Shoyo, and more!
» smash.gg: BracketsAttendees | Facebook

City of Melee 5

Region: Melbourne (Aus, GMT+11)
Stream: MelbourneMelee
Featuring S.D, Splice, Redact, Rainbow, Dekar, Atticus, DonB, Macky, Wibbles, PCG, and great commentary as always. Tune in to this and MasterHand if you’re NA and up late Friday night!
» smash.gg: BracketsAttendees | Facebook

MasterHand 19
Region: Japan (GMT+9)
Stream: Likely aMSaYoshi
Featuring Kounotori, Tapioca, K.F, s-royal, Nagaimo, Sahara, Zer0, and motto.
» Challonge | Website

Smash @ York #12

Region: Ontario (EDT)
Streams: EvenMatchupGaming
Featuring: KirbyKaze, n0ne, Trulliam, Nightmare, Moky, Coffeeblack, Monib, Damian Tyson, Jamrun, Vino, JKJ, and more.
» smash.gg: BracketsAttendees | Schedule and More Info | Facebook

Praxis 2: Electric Boogaloo
Region: Chicago (CDT)
Streams: MeleeEveryday & UChicagoSmash
Featuring: Kels, Sago, Mr. F, and more!
» smash.gg: BracketsAttendees | Facebook

Gamers Fight Cancer
Region: Oklahoma (CDT)
Streams: RTZEsports
Featuring: ESAM, Arc, hamyojo, Schythed, Hazygoose, Uncle Mojo, JF, Reesch, Bananas, and more!
» smash.gg: BracketsAttendees | Facebook

SSBM Mass Madness
Region: New England (MA, EDT)
Stream: GameUnderground
Featuring good New England players that are hard to confirm with only on-site registration.
» Challonge | Facebook

NChiSU: Ambition

Region: South (NC, EDT)
Stream: EvioxSSBM
» Facebook

BSG Presents: Double Barreled

Streams: BourbonStateGaming
Featuring: Amida, Cal, Cob, Cantus, Team Nick, and more.
» smash.gg: BracketsAttendees | Facebook

Smash Til The End XI

Region: MD/VA (VA, EDT)
Stream: LivingStudios
» Facebook

Nebulous Prime Melee #61 but also #62

Region: Tri-State (NY, EDT)
Stream: NebulousGaming (Hitbox)
» Facebook

Smash @ Penn State Weekly 35

Region: PA (EDT)
Stream: PSUSmash
» Facebook

Sunday- 10/23

UCSD Super Triweekly 4
Region: San Diego (PDT)
Streams: SDMeleeTV
Featuring: Kira, Captain Faceroll, Victor Abdul Latif!!, and more San Diego/Socal people that haven’t registered!
» Challonge| Schedule | Facebook

Down to Smash?
Region: Alabama (CDT)
Streams: TypoHouseGames
» smash.gg: BracketsAttendees | Schedule | Facebook

The Construct 63

Region: Midwest (WI, CDT)
Stream: EventHorizon
» Challonge | Facebook

Last Week’s Results

Bracket, VODs: Twitch, Youtube (not up yet)
1. PewPewU
2. Nintendude
3. Westballz
5. The Moon / Squid
7. Lucky / Darrell
Bracket, VODs: Twitch, Youtube (not up yet)
1. Colbol
2. HugS
3. Porkchops
4. Blea Gelo
5. Pengie / Gravy
7. Drunksloth / Flipsy
Bracket, VODs: Twitch, Youtube (not up yet)
1. Ice
2. Professor Pro
3. Mahie
4. Zorc
5. Charlon / Dev
7. UnHaven / Alpha Dash
Bracket, VODs: Twitch, Youtube
1. Vro
3. Sago
4. Quin
5. Scythe / Trail
7. Frost / Passion
Bracket, VODs: Twitch, Youtube (not up yet)
1. JPeGImage
2. Chard
3. Saiko
4. BDR
5. Doogless / Edge
7. Evan / The Mole
Bracket, VODs: Twitch, Youtube (not up yet)
1. FendrickLamar
2. Silence
3. LiquED
4. Nainsoo
5. Messenger / Big Wenz
7. fortissimis / Frostbyte

To watch multiple streams at once in the most effective way, go to multistre.am or VGStreams.com

For a list of weekly weekday streams, check this /r/ssbm post. Eventually we’ll make a more organized list to which people can add.

Sam “ ‘ ” ‘ ” Greene can be found on Twitter @SSBMDingus.
flwns can be reached on Twitter @flwns
Logo by @FishWithIt