Hey Everyone,
My apologies for staying quiet on the blog. We will be a little light on content for the next month, but rest assured we are working on some great stuff. Currently, I am juggling the following
1. Zero 2 Hero: Season 2
- Follow Van Doan, a Norcal Marth Main, who wants to improve his fundamentals and his gameplay. We run the show weekly, usually on Monday’s or Tuesday’s.
- Episodes 1 and 2 can be found here.
2. Smash Summit Stats
- I’m working on getting comprehensive head 2 head data of all 16 players represented in the Smash Summit and I’ll be present at the tournament as well.
3. SSBMRank 2015
- Probably the biggest endeavor right now, I will need help with writing blurbs, judging, and gathering information, if you are interested let us know by emailing meleeitonme@gmail.com with the header “SSBMRank 2015 volunteer”
4. #tafostats x One Frame Link
- Thanks to everyone who has helped contribute so far! We will begin phase 2 of centralizing stats by assigning challonge brackets to specific players. The long term goal is to have everything tracked. If you are interested in helping with that, fill this form out.
Hey, there hasn’t been an update to the MIOM ITunes, when will it get updated?