I have mentioned a couple of times on stream a need for help to expand the realm of stat tracking in the Melee community. Currently, I have a database of the big 6, fully archived in the database, along with some extended match histories of some of the top players. Eventually, we want to expand this so that everyone is tracked for useful information that could, one day, be used for stream overlays, commentators, and even ELO related applications. If you are familiar with the FGC community, One Frame Link (OFL) does overlays for large tournaments to show meaningful data to the audience. They also provide a bunch of other great services for the community.
Of course, this is a hefty endeavor, but one that has impeccable value, so here’s what is currently needed.
Phase 1: Localizing Challonge Tournaments
Currently, OFL has thousands of challonge brackets that can be parsed. The rigorous process involved is identifying player tags to players. To break this task down, we need people to help identify which tournaments are from which regions/areas.
Phase 2: Identifying Tags to Players
Once tournaments are identified with regions, we need people who are from those regions to correctly identify challonge player tags to the correct player.
If you’d like to volunteer, please enter your information on this google doc and we will get started asap.
Awesome idea. Will this collection of crowd sourced data be available to the public or kept internal to OFL?
I definitely agree that the collection of data would be invaluable to the community, but I would be hesitant to contribute to a project that doesn’t plan on exposing the data to be consumed publicly (for third party app developers, etc).